The TROFISH journal contains the results of scientific research relating to aspects: (1) Management and utilization of fisheries and marine resources; (2) Marine and fisheries policy (3) Socioeconomic fisheries; (4) Fisheries institutions; (5) Fisheries management and business; (6) Management of coastal areas and small islands; (7) Aquatic resource management;(8) Aquaculture management; (9) Fisheries and marine technology; (10) Innovation in the fisheries and marine sector. This journal is published every 6 months, namely February and August.
Jurnal TROFISH is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Copyright of Jurnal TROFISH, e-ISSN: 2827-9786, p-ISSN : 2827-9808, Fakultas Perikanan Universitas Alkhairaat Palu